简介: 香港,警探谭家明(谭耀文 饰)因多年前与挚友同伴唐警探(唐文龙 饰演)兄弟反目,其妻子阿雪(杨恭如 饰)又病重,他失意潦倒之际,一日遇上城中雷厉风行的辣警霸王花Madam梁(梁琤 饰)和她手下的女子兵团,是敌是友,火拼再起......
简介: 深夜,一批戒备森严的神秘货物被盗窃劫持……以奥森为首的特工团队被政府安全部门勒令秘密调查此次事件。经调查,神秘货物名叫“密匣”,是一款可编程人工智能程序,拥有它的人可随心所欲地控制军事、金融等世界上任何的电子系统。“密匣”已在黑市上进行高价炒卖,亿万身家的军火商格雷格则是这宗地下买卖的交易中介。奥森决定前往交易现场假扮接头人,但意想不到的是另有一支队伍横空出现抢走了“密匣”,奥森和他的队伍能否再次杀出重围并完成拯救世界的任务?
简介: 年轻的外交官被指派任务,携带赎金营救被绑架的外交官。 1986年黎巴嫩内战期间,一名韩国外交官在贝鲁特被绑架为人质,下落不明。 2年过去了,人们早已遗忘此事。外交官敏俊(河正宇 饰)接到了证明人质还活着的电话。带着既定的任务,敏俊携带赎金被派往贝鲁特营救人质。 但是敏俊一踏上贝鲁特就遇到了麻烦。幸运的是,敏俊在当地的出租车司机潘秀(朱智勋 饰)无意中的帮助下成功逃离了机场。 尽管潘苏的恶作剧令人不信任他,但这两个不太可能的盟友必须穿越被摧毁的、战火纷飞的贝鲁特街道,才能将这名等待已久的人质带回家。
简介: 20世纪90年代初,东西方冷战以苏联解体落下帷幕。新建立的俄罗斯承前朝之弊,经济全面崩溃。而产业结构极度不平衡,又导致该国轻工业产品处于极度匮乏的局面。值此纷乱之际,改革开放之初的中国,一群头脑灵光的国人摇身一变化作“国际倒爷”。他们乘坐从北京开往莫斯科的K3次国际专列 ,带着中国生产的商品开启了淘金之旅。然而,对于他们来说,这很有可能是一场死亡之旅。以苗青山(黄轩 饰)为首的悍匪集团同样登上这趟列车,对乘客实施了惨无人道的抢劫和强暴,气焰极度嚣张。中国警察崔振海(张涵予 饰)临危受命,乔装打扮带领公安小队登上刀光血影的K3次列车…… 影片根据中国第一桩跨境追捕真实案件改编。
简介: 20世纪90年代初,东西方冷战以苏联解体落下帷幕。新建立的俄罗斯承前朝之弊,经济全面崩溃。而产业结构极度不平衡,又导致该国轻工业产品处于极度匮乏的局面。值此纷乱之际,改革开放之初的中国,一群头脑灵光的国人摇身一变化作“国际倒爷”。他们乘坐从北京开往莫斯科的K3次国际专列 ,带着中国生产的商品开启了淘金之旅。然而,对于他们来说,这很有可能是一场死亡之旅。以苗青山(黄轩 饰)为首的悍匪集团同样登上这趟列车,对乘客实施了惨无人道的抢劫和强暴,气焰极度嚣张。中国警察崔振海(张涵予 饰)临危受命,乔装打扮带领公安小队登上刀光血影的K3次列车…… 影片根据中国第一桩跨境追捕真实案件改编。
导演:David Douglas
简介: Agusta 109K2: Alpine Medivac Rescue Straight Up's exploration of vertical flight begins with a high-impact alpine rescue amid an avalanche. The dramatic opening sequence documents the dangerous work of the Rega mountain rescue team and the invaluable role of the Agusta A109K2 helicopter in saving lives and minimizing injuries. As the camera pans over beautiful vistas of the snow-covered Swiss Alps, it cuts to a cornice, as a chunk of snow breaks free, triggering an avalanche. The tranquil scene is shattered as the avalanche thunders down the mountain slopes. With terrifying speed, it heads straight for a mother and child trapped in their car, wheels spinning on the icy road. The mother calls for help on her cell phone, and a second call from a snowplow prompts radio dispatch. The Rega mountain rescue team already is airborne en route to the scene, the red cross painted on the helicopter's white underbelly signaling that medical help is on the way. The mother escapes, but her son is missing. Within minutes of the helicopter landing, the rescue team dig out the car, extract the trapped boy, apply first aid, and airlift him and his mother to safety. A significant mountain hazard, avalanches are responsible for many deaths each year. Time is of the essence in avalanche rescue work. A person has a 90 percent chance of survival if found within the first 15 minutes, but one's chances of survival diminish with each passing minute. Not only do helicopters provide quick access for rescue teams, they also provide a lifeline to medical care. Flying the injured to the nearest hospital as rapidly as possible is not the only type of rescue operation; often helicopters bring the hospital to the injured, who receive treatment at the scene. The powerful avalanche was shot in British Columbia's Selkirk Mountains under the supervision of the Canadian Avalanche Association. The CAA controls avalanche risk for the safety of heli-skiers. To capture the avalanche head-on, avalanche expert and filmmaker Steve Krochel and David Douglas developed a quarter-inch-thick steel container for the IMAX camera, which was equipped with a triggering device and a beeper so that the camera could be found once the avalanche had swept it down the mountain. The rescue was completed in Switzerland's Bernina Pass near the Italian border. Filming the Rega rescue helicopter air-to-air sequence turned into an international excursion as Douglas chased the sunlight over Italy in one direction and in Austria in another before setting down in Switzerland. In another dramatic shot, Douglas centered the red cross in the crosshairs of the camera lens as the craft descended. To facilitate this shot, Douglas dug a hole in the snow large enough to accommodate himself and the IMAX camera. Inside the hole, 3 feet below the helicopter, he filmed its takeoff. According to Douglas, "The helicopter is the instrument of rapid response to natural physical and social disasters around the world, alleviating human suffering on a major scale. For the individual caught beyond the limits of training or equipment, often the last chance for survival is the hope that a helicopter will get to them in time. " The Pitcairn PCA 2, "Miss Champion" For centuries humans dreamed of flight. The Chinese, in the 12th century, developed a toy helicopter made from a pair of slats mounted on a stick, but serious efforts had to wait until the early 20th century. Then, after the Wright brothers' historic flight at Kitty Hawk, we dreamed of flight unfettered by the limitations of runways and airports. Yet by the early 1930s we were still at the dawn of the practical rotorcraft, which promised to give form to humanity's vision. The ten year period between 1925 and 1935 was an exciting time in aviation history, but few aircraft so caught and held the public's attention, as the Autogiro. Nicknamed the "flying windmill," this strange-looking aircraft was first successfully flown in 1923 by the Spanish inventor, Juan de la Cierva, who had been working on the development of such a craft since 1919. The Autogiro fascinated the air-minded public because of its remarkable performance and high degree of safety, attracting such leaders of American aviation as Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart. Juan de la Cierva sold the American manufacturing rights to Harold Pitcairn in 1928. Pitcairn's Autogiro boasted a more modern fuselage with better aerodynamic qualities. It also provided prospective buyers with a choice of either a 300- or 420-horsepower engine. In the film, Harold Pitcairn's son Stephen flies "Miss Champion," a 1931 model. This Autogiro, used for promotion by the Champion Spark Plug Company, is controlled like an airplane, but is lifted with blades. Although the original rotor blades have seen 1,600 hours of flight time, they are still airworthy. With a 330-horsepower Wright R 975-E engine, the Autogiro has a cruising speed of 98 mph and a top speed of 118 mph. "Miss Champion" led a National Air Tour and made the then-risky 300- mile-long flight from Miami to Havana, Cuba. (Until then, the longest over-water flight by an Autogiro had been 25 miles in length.) Later, "Miss Champion" flew nonstop over a distance of 500 miles to Chichen Itza in the Yucatan rainforest. "Miss Champion" was retired from active service in 1932 after setting a new altitude record for rotary-wing aircraft. Climbing to a height of 21,500 feet in 1932, the Autogiro surpassed the previous record set by Amelia Earhart. Today, the Autogiro is considered to be the evolutionary "missing link" from which the practical helicopter was born. Forty years later Stephen Pitcairn began the formidable task of collecting and restoring examples of his father's aircraft. He tracked down "Miss Champion" and in October of 1982 began the painstaking task of restoration, using the original Pitcairn factory drawings. In the spring of 1985 "Miss Champion" flew again. The Bell 47G: A Flying Lesson Since Pitcairn's Autogiro, improved control systems allow the airframe to rise directly from the ground with a powered rotor. Straight Up! puts you in the pilot's seat of a Bell 47G as the basic elements of helicopter operation are demonstrated. The Bell 47G's single-rotor configuration is by far the most common type used today. Your flying lesson begins. As a helicopter pilot, the pilot uses all four limbs to fly, all at the same time! With the left hand holding the collective pitch control lever, he pulls up ever so slightly, and we go straight up into a slow-motion hover. The spinning rotor blades act as small wings, but they spin so fast that they create one continuous disc of lift. When the blades change angle, or pitch collectively, the helicopter rises or falls. The pilot's right hand always holds the cyclic control, effectively tilting the whirling disc above. Point left, tilt left. Point right, tilt right. The camera then closes in on the tail rotor. Once again, the altering of the blades affects direction. The chopper spins in response to the pilot's depressing one of the two foot pedals. If he depresses the second pedal, the helicopter spins in the opposite direction. The Piasecki H-21B Tandem Rotor Aircraft, "The Flying Banana" The last flying H-21B helicopter in the world takes off, heads for the beach and cruises 100 feet above the Pacific surf off the coast of California. One of the earliest tandem helicopters, the H-21B represents the birth of the heavy lift helicopters and dates back to the early 1950s. Nicknamed "The Flying Banana" for its shape, the H-21B had more power and greater stability than previous helicopters. The tandem-rotor H-21B carries two sets of wooden blades situated nearly 50 feet apart but operated by one set of helicopter flight controls. The pilot must be ever vigilant, as this helicopter could rapidly invert should the pilot let go of the controls. The vintage H-21B used for the film was decommissioned from the U.S. Air Force in 1972 and was restored by the California-based Classic Rotors: The Rare and Vintage Rotocraft Museum. This nonprofit museum and restoration facility, dedicated to the preservation of unique, vintage and rare rotorcraft, spent more than 10,000 hours returning the H-21B to airworthiness. Every hour flown requires 100 hours of maintenance. Classic Rotors is the only museum of its kind to maintain eight helicopters in flying condition. When its new facility in San Diego has been completed, the museum will expand its exhibits from 15 to 30 vintage rotorcraft. One of the highlights of its collection is a famous relative of the H-21B. This is a V 44 (the commercial version of the H-21)-nicknamed "The Holy One"-and is the only one to land at the Vatican and be blessed by the pope. While on a 1959 demonstration tour in Europe, the helicopter and its crew had provided help to Italian communities following a devastating earthquake. Future Helicopter Designs One aspect of current research centers around the development of "quiet technology" that will allow helicopters to become better neighbors and to operate more stealthily in police and military operations. Quiet technology advances rely on a combination of technologies, which include improved rotor blade design and the user of rotor systems with four or more blades. Replacing the tail rotor with a Coanda-effect NOTAR (NoTailRotor) system goes a long way in reducing noise, as does shrouding the tail rotor in an arrangement know as a "fan-in-fin." Other advances focus on noise-dampening air inlets and improved engine nozzles. New helicopter designs are tested in the world's largest wind tunnel at the NASA Ames Flight Research Center located at Moffett Field in California. Ames was founded in 1939 as an aircraft research laboratory of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, which became part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1958. NASA has the leading role in aerospace operations systems, which include air traffic control, flight effects on humans, and rotorcraft technology. NASA Ames scientists and engineers study robotic helicopters, high-speed hybrids, and advances in quiet technology. The center also has major responsibilities for the creation of design and development tools and for wind tunnel testing. The NASA-Bell XV-15 Tilt-rotor In the film, an XV-15 converts over Dallas-Fort Worth Airport. The XV-15 is an experimental rotorcraft, the parent of a new family of aircraft called "tilt-rotors." The tilt-rotor combines the hovering ability of the helicopter with the speed of a fixed-wing aircraft. The XV-15 can take off and land like a helicopter. The audience will see the engines tilting forward as the tilt-rotor becomes a high-speed plane. The Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey A V-22 Osprey unwraps, emerging like a prehistoric flying dinosaur. Built primarily for the U.S. Marines, Air Force, and Navy, the V-22 Osprey has wings that pivot and rotors that fold to facilitate its storage at sea. In less than 90 seconds, you will see the V-22 complete this process. Although still classified as a tilt-rotor, it is faster, with three times the range and more than ten times the payload of its predecessor. It shows the promise of long-distance travel, without airports. The Hawk 4 Gyroplane Rotorcraft evolution is also in the hands of the entrepreneur, and this independent spirit is most evident in the Hawk 4 Gyroplane. While some designs produce groundbreaking changes, this aircraft brought the economy and safety of the Autogiro into the space age. A rotor is used for slow-speed flight, but at high-speed cruising all the lift is provided by the wing while the rotor has no lift. The Gyroplane shows promise as a high-speed, low-disc-loading rotorcraft. The Boeing-Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche The Comanche rips and dips across the screen, set against a sunset. This prototype helicopter has stealth technology. It's smart, agile, fast and invisible to radar. It's the first helicopter to provide real-time digital data to headquarters. Seeing in the dark, sensing the forces at play around us and acting on the evidence in real time, the Comanche is a complex flying machine with a human being at its heart. Everyday, in unexpected ways, it extends our powers and puts us to work with a revolutionary tool. The Comanche is the central element of the U.S. Army's future Objective Force. In addition to its complement of missiles and 20-mm cannon, the aircraft carries state-of-the-art sensors and avionics to provide battlefield commanders with so much accurate information about enemy movements. This knowledge will translate into more precise targeting, increasing the effectiveness of friendly forces beyond current capabilities. The U.S. Army has defined a requirement of more than 1,200 Comanches for the Objective Force. The RAH Comanche, the army's 21st-century combat helicopter is being developed by the U.S. Army and a team of leading aerospace companies headed by the Boeing Company and Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, a unit of United Technologies Corporation. The Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk and AS 350 B2 AStar Enforce the Law Events swiftly unfold as the radar plane spots an "unidentified" Cessna dropping bundles of drugs off the coast of Miami at dawn. A signal alerts the Marine and Air Branch of U.S. Customs who speed out to intercept the smugglers. Just as the drugs are transferred from boat to van, The AStar helicopter bursts over the treetops, deploying a tactical team to arrest the driver. While the smuggler's Cigarette boat attempts to escape, a Black Hawk helicopter dips down to create a giant backwash. In a stunning display of impeccable teamwork, this action forces the fleeing boat to swerve to a halt as a Customs boat cuts it off and apprehends the criminals. On a typical day, the U.S. Customs Service examines 1.3 million passengers, 2,642 aircraft, 50,889 trucks/containers, 355,004 other vehicles, 588 vessels, 64,923 entries and undertakes the following enforcement actions: 64 arrests, 107 narcotic seizures, 223 other seizures, 9 currency seizures. These amount to 5,059 pounds of narcotics, $443,907 in currency, $228,803 in conveyances, $525,791 in merchandise and more than $15,800 in arms and ammunition. Filmed over a period of five days off the coast of Miami, the air, land, and sea drug bust was staged by the U.S. Customs Service, which relies heavily on helicopters during such operations. U.S. Customs pilot, Tom Stanton, participated in the shoot with his co-pilot Kimberly Kessel. Kessel is one of seven women U.S. Customs pilots and only one of two qualified to fly Black Hawks. Both pilots volunteered to work with the film crew. Says Kessel, a graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, "They were phenomenal, ready to try anything." In addition to daytime flights, Stanton flies the riskier night missions. "Flying at night is dangerous as you lose all perception of what's up or down because both the sky and ocean are black, so they just kind of run in together. There's no horizon on those dark nights," says the veteran pilot. Typically he flies from 300 to 500 feet above the water at 120 to 150 knots. "Not many people fly that low, even in the daytime," says Stanton. "There's no autopilot, so it's hands on. Plus you're chasing someone. You have to be aware. It can get tense out there." Stanton describes an air chase: "Once there's a target, we launch a jet with radar. The jet pilot calls the helicopter out and we link up, flying in formation. We follow the bad guy wherever he goes. If he has extended-range fuel tanks, we leapfrog and send another helicopter out to take up the chase. (The Black Hawk carries five hours of fuel.) When he gets into his landing configuration, we call the local police or sheriff to help us out." The Black Hawk, which can carry up to 14 people, typically carries 4 or 5 armed personnel, "so we instantly have a force of police officers there to get the bad guys." "If it's a boat, we have Cigarette boats like the smugglers. We'll call our boat and have it intercept." Stanton flies the Black Hawk next to the boat, making it hard for the smugglers to navigate. "It intimidates them into giving up. Sometimes they do [but] sometimes we chase them for hours. Or we'll follow them into a marina and block them until our boats come. If they hit the beach, we'll call the state police or sheriff, and they set up a perimeter so the guy can't get out." Stanton, who flies missions as often as once or twice a week, has been flying for 26 years, 13 of those as an army helicopter pilot before he joined U.S. Customs in Miami where he is the "standardization instructor pilot." He makes sure that everybody flies the same way, so that when they team up, the pilots easily work in tandem. Pilots fly 8-hour shifts and the operation goes on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in areas covering both the Canadian and Mexican land borders, the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines, and the Gulf of Mexico. The MD 500E Helicopter A MD 500 helicopter hovers directly above 500,000-volt power lines. As it inches closer, a lightning bolt suddenly zaps out from the hot line, arcing toward the wand extended by a lineman perched on an aluminum platform that juts out from the helicopter. The "hot-line-qualified" lineman clamps onto the power lines, and helicopter backs off, leaving him to "wire walk," crawling along parallel lines to inspect the PPL power line grid, 100 feet off the ground. To reboard the helicopter, the lineman must "bond off," reversing the procedure. "I don't give two hoots and a holler about flying inside a helicopter. Put me outside, that's where I want to be," says Daniel "Spider" Lockhart, AgRotors lineman. There's only three things I've been afraid of most of my life: One was electricity, one was heights and the other was women. And, I'm married too," he grins. "The safest lineman is one that is afraid of electricity. When we bond to the power lines energized at half-a-million volts, we have to bring ourselves to the same potential. That is why you see that arc jumping out to our wand as we make both the helicopter and the power line at the same potential, so that we can eliminate the flow of current," explains the veteran lineman. Spider wears a protective hot suit, 75 percent Nomex for fire retardation and 25 percent stainless steel thread. "The metal thread basically means I have a cage around me that can be energized at very high voltage levels. A half-million volts pass over my body, but I can work without interference from the electricity." He continues, "Watching that electricity jump out while you're energizing the helicopter is a thrill. Getting on the wire, walking the wire to do repairs is a thrill. The biggest thrill I get is from doing what I do is being able to do both together-the electrical part and the helicopter part of it, the speed at which we can do it and still be safe. There are so many things that the helicopter enables us to do as linemen, which is very rewarding." The teamwork of the skilled helicopter pilots and highly trained linemen ensure that the PPL Corp. provides a constant source of electricity to its 1.3 million customers in Pennsylvania (in addition to 4.4 million in Latin America and Europe). To maintain the integrity of the transmission system to residential and commercial establishments, and to ensure the safety of the operation, the team plans and rehearses every move while on the ground before takeoff. Even so, unanticipated gusts of wind and glare from the wires can affect the pilot's depth perception, requiring total concentration during his hours at the controls. As the helicopter is isolated from the ground, the pilot and lineman, clad in protective stainless steel suits, must bond onto the transmission lines to bring themselves to the same voltage potential of the line to work safely-paralleling what a bird does when it sits on a wire. Probably the most unusual place that the director rigged the camera was on the end of the platform on the MD 500, which is designed to carry the lineman as he bonds onto the half-million-volt power line. "We took away the lineman and put the camera in his place; the lineman rode behind the camera and used his wand to draw the arc of electricity right onto the camera lens. I don't think it's been done before. It blew all the electronics out of the camera a couple of times before we figured out how to do it," recalls Douglas. The Boeing 234 Helicopter: Helilogging with Limited Environmental Damage Floating above the forest in northern California, a 12-ton Boeing 234 helicopter selects its target with precision. Selective logging is a process where only a portion of the available timber is removed from a logging site. A single tree is lifted straight up from the forest floor, leaving the rest of the area environmentally intact. Removing such timber-very often trees that are already dead or diseased-allows the remaining trees to thrive on the additional resources of sunlight, water, and soil nutrients. Helilogging is environmentally friendly in other ways as well. First, since the logs are lifted from the ground, little soil erosion, typical of conventional logging methods, occurs. Second, in many cases the helicopter is able to use existing roads for landings, meaning no new roads need to be built into the area being logged. Columbia Helicopters cuts more logs each year than any other helicopter logging company. To prepare the timber for the helicopter, the specially trained logging crew cut it into carefully weighed sections. Columbia's flight crews are among the most experienced at long-line work in the world. With speed and precision, they are able to move heavy loads of logs at the end of lines up to 350-feet long. Once the line is lowered from the Boeing 234 helicopter, steel tongs clamp the log and the entire tree is removed without disturbing the balance of nature. "It's kinda like lookin' down 25 stories and picking up a telephone pole," comments the helicopter pilot, Dave Stroupe, who deposits the timber at a nearby transfer yard. "The unique thing about this helicopter is that, when we take off from the ground, we weigh approximately 22,000 pounds. And we're rigged for about 26,000 pounds when we get low on fuel. So the load actually weighs more than the helicopter. It's exciting and harrowing all at the same time." The Boeing 234s have a lift capacity of 28,000 lb, (12,727 kg), but most often carry loads between 23,000 lb, (10,454 kg) to 24,000 lb (10,909 kg) due to elevation and air temperature considerations. The company trains loggers to work with helicopters because load weight is such a dramatic part of what they do. Weight is determined, using a formula, which are a function of the volume and the type of wood. Different tree species have different weights per volume. When one of the pilots suggested using the log as a platform for the camera, Douglas realized another exciting camera angle. The possibility existed that the branches could scrape off the camera as the log was hauled up. Douglas prevented this by placing the camera inside a heavy steel avalanche box, which he anchored on the end of a big log. Once the log was grappled, the helicopter hauled the protected camera right through the branches, giving the audience a breathtaking view from the perspective of the log! The U.S. Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier, AH-1W Cobra, CH-53E Super Stallion and CH-46E Sea Knight on a Military Mission An AV-8B Harrier jet demonstrates its vertical landing ability followed by a force reconnaissance inservice exercise from an aircraft carrier, as Marines climb aboard the CH-53E. AH-1W Cobras and Harriers form an assault-support package, as the reconnaissance team sets out on a mission to obtain invaluable intelligence about the enemy. Inside the CH-53E, the machine-gunner is at the ready as a Cobra fires three rockets. The action heats up as the IMAX camera captures the Marines fast-roping through the "hell hole" and sliding down a rope dangling from the CH-53E, landing in enemy territory. The leader of the reconnaissance team says, "By the time you get to touch rope in a live situation, you and your men feel tighter than family. Your fates are tied like the strands of a rope." Two hours later the Marines have completed their mission and are ready to be evacuated. Now the enemy hunts them on the ground. Trees shake as the rescue CH-53E helicopter hovers overhead, lowering a rope to the squad, now up to their waists in water. One after the other, in a matter of seconds, the men clip themselves onto the rope. "Extraction, even more than insertion, is when you need speed. You've been awful quiet. Suddenly, you're awful loud," says Sgt. James Kenneke, the squad leader. He's first in and last out. Lifted up, like washing on a line, the squad dangles beneath the helicopter as it is escorted by Cobras, out over the Atlantic. "It's a relief to get out. But there's that moment of doubt. Everything slows down while you're exposed � holding your breath for that happy ending. And when you get it, you feel on top of the world. Of course, then we've got to commute home just like everybody else," smiles Kennecke. The Mi-26 and Mi-8 Deliver Humanitarian Aid Sometimes, something very precious must be delivered behind enemy lines-food. Sierra Leone is a nation that has suffered years of conflict. From the food depot to the hot spot, helicopters provide an air bridge. Hoisting food and medical supplies to distressed people behind rebel-held territories, they have the ability to hop over hot zones in desperate situations. The world's largest production helicopter-the Russian-made Mi-26-is the workhorse for the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operation in war-torn Sierra Leone. The heaviest production helicopter in the world, this majestic eight-bladed craft-one of four chartered by the UN from Russia-can carry a maximum of 44,090 lb (20,040 kg) of internal payload or up to 70 troops. The Mi-26's top speed is 183 mph (295 kph) and it has a range of 304 miles (400 km). In this sequence, the Mi-26 is loaded with cargo to supply UN troops protecting an isolated community in the center of rebel-held territory. The world's largest food agency, the UN World Food Program (WFP), organized a massive air campaign targeting internally displaced persons that had congregated near a clinic for malnourished children. Once rebels from the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) had surrounded the area and blocked road access, the WFP was prevented from completing a bulk distribution. Instead, they loaded up their Mi-8 and flew to the Daru clinic where the most vulnerable women and children were located. "All children under five who are malnourished are given a special feeding program in Daru. And the under-five are always the first ones you target for any kind of extreme malnourished cases, because they die very quickly," says Aya Shneerson, program officer for the WFP. "Daru is a kind of an island, a safe island, surrounded by areas that are unsafe," she says, "and for that reason, it always served as a sort of magnet for the very vulnerable people coming out." Another big WFP operation, Food for Peace, gives food to child ex-combatants, in an effort to attract them to disarmament and demobilization camps. The heavily laden craft flew out of the capital city, Freetown, situated on the west coast of Africa between Guinea on the north and Liberia on the south. The WFP supervises a variety of feeding programs in the displacement camps, feeding 5,000 in an operation that targeted Bunbuna, Kabala and Daru in 2000. Throughout the world, helicopters have saved millions of human lives. There are 777 million people in developing countries, according to the WFP. In 2001 the WFP fed 77 million hungry people (10 percent of the hungry poor) in 82 countries. Diamonds, which should have brought prosperity to Sierra Leone, instead resulted in one of the modern world's most brutal insurgencies, dating back to 1991 when rebels launched a war to overthrow the government. In the ensuing years, continuous battles between the various factions-rebels, the army and the government-displaced tens of thousands of innocent civilians, resulting in hunger and famine. In 1998 UN observers documented reports of ongoing atrocities and human rights abuses. In 1999 negotiations began between the government and the rebels, and an agreement was signed in Lome to end hostilities and form a government of national unity. By 2000, the UN's expanded role resulted in the deployment of 17,500 military peacekeeping personnel to various parts of the country. Free elections in May 2002 have given hope and a fresh started in Sierra Leone. The AS 350 B2 and AS 350 B3 Used for Wildlife Relocation In South Africa, helicopters are helping to save the black rhino from extinction. Protected in a few remote preserves, their numbers are rising. However, should the rhinos feel overcrowded, they will fight to the death. To protect the species, some must be relocated to safe habitats, but this is easier said than done. A platform dangles from a helicopter overhead. Inside another helicopter, flying low over the South African veldt, a man with a rifle takes aim at a black rhinoceros, dodging through the bushes below. The pilot concentrates on flying 5 feet above and 10 to15 feet behind the rhino. Anticipating its every move, a wildlife veterinarian pulls the trigger of his gun loaded with a tranquilizer dart, scoring a direct hit that successfully penetrates the rhino's inch-thick skin. "When I am darting animals like the black rhino, there is this immense trust between myself and Piet, the pilot," says wildlife veterinarian, Dr. Douw Grobler, who specializes in immunizations and translocations. "I know exactly what he's going to do and where he's going to place me. I don't have to think. I can just concentrate on the animals. I just know he's gong to put me there in the right spot at the right time. It's almost that he senses what the animal's going to do. In that way, he can change the animal's mind with his helicopter." Grobler has measured a specific drug dosage, which can keep a rhino asleep for up to two hours. Once the rhino is darted, the ground crew lands as soon as possible to undertake a multitude of tasks. They monitor the beast's vital signs, take skin and blood samples to study its basic health and to detect any nutrients that are lacking. This ensures that the habitat is healthy for long-term propagation. They also conduct pregnancy testing. Each rhino's ear is notched so that it can be identified easily from the air and ground. The tip of the second horn is removed to provide material for genetic research, and a transmitter is fitted into the rhino's horn for tracking its whereabouts. Poachers present a constant danger to the rhinos' security. Should a poacher remove the horn for export, the transmitter would trigger an alarm. When two males inhabit the same territory, one must be relocated before they battle to the death. Placing a sling in position, the crew rolls the rhino aboard the platform, making sure it is fully asleep. With a lifting capability of 3,500 lb (1,590 kg), the AStar B 3 can relocate the 2,250-lb (1022-kg) rhino to an area of the sanctuary that is accessible only by helicopter. The extensive research on eleven black rhinos acquired during the four-day shoot was made possible only through SK Film's financial contribution. "My field of expertise lies in the capture and relocation of African wildlife. I am extremely grateful to Straight Up! for sponsoring this incredibly important research and relocation program at the game park. Without the film, this research would not have happened," says Grobler, who organized the capture, research and relocation project, with the film's production crew. "Every animal is just so valuable," he says, "and any information that can be collected on them is worth its weight in gold." The prehistoric ancestor of today's rhinos existed more than 50 million years ago. Among today's five rhino species, the black rhino, which has two horns, has suffered the most spectacular rate of decline. From a population of 65,000 in 1970 it had been hunted almost to extinction, declining to a population of 2,300 by 1992-93. Current statistics indicate that the African black rhino population has risen to 3,500 as a result of the protection of nature reserves, developed by conservancy groups, agencies and governments to facilitate breeding and relocation programs. This segment of Straight Up! was filmed in one such reserve in South Africa, where black rhinos had been reintroduced in 1986. The helicopter, an irreplaceable co
简介: 1992年4月的洛杉矶, 种族气氛非常浓烈。当时有一个曾经引起市民震惊全美的大骚乱的案件:4个白人警官殴打黑人而被判无罪。本片正是讲述宣判前几天警署里面发生的事情。 洛杉矶警局精锐的特别调查小队接受了一个倍受关注的4条人命案。其间警探艾尔顿•佩里(库尔特•拉塞尔Kurt Russell 饰)向新人鲍比•泰德鲁(斯科特•斯比德曼Scott Speedman 饰)讲述差馆种种腐败、阴暗的现象;而黑人警官豪岚(文•雷姆斯Ving Rhames 饰)亦对警署极为不满,决心追查到底。就这样,几个警员在腐败丛生的环境中,坚守着良心和正义。影片揭露了当时洛杉矶警署内部贪污、勒索、酷刑等内幕,这些错综复杂的因素最终引发了全美震惊的市民暴乱。
简介: 1993年,大批中国商人涌入俄罗斯淘金,其中,有几张与众不同的面孔,他们在倒爷中间探听消息,在黑白两道寻求支援。他们是中国警方派出的一个秘密小组,他们此行的目标是暗中查找震惊中外的中俄K3列车大劫案的情报线索,并将全部在逃涉案嫌疑人抓捕归案。在中国警方小组组长陈尔力的带 领下,小组克服重重的阻碍,经历了九死一生的磨难,在遥远的异国他乡展开了一场曲折惊险的追缉之旅。
主演:Tom McGrath,Jeff Bennett,John Di Maggio,James Patrick Stuart,Danny Jacobs,Kevin Michael Richardson,Andy Richter,Nicole Sullivan,Conrad Vernon,Mary Scheer
导演:Nicholas Filippi,Bret Haaland
简介: 当Alex, Marty Gloria和Melman几个主角还在非洲悠闲度日(从《马达加斯加:逃往非洲》后),四只企鹅(首领Skipper, 智囊Kowalski, 最年轻的Private和最疯狂的Rico)已经回到了纽约中央动物园,并在此地执掌管理大权。与此同时他们还要执行各种秘密任务,时不时地他们就要从动物园逃出来执行任务。 正当这一队企鹅觉得自己已经运筹帷幄之际,新邻居——Julien,一只狐猴王搬来动物园。现在企鹅们必须为动物园首领的宝座与之展开角逐。 四只肥嘟嘟、憨态可掬的企鹅简直喜爱到了无以复加的程度。这四只可爱的小家伙在动画片《马达加斯加》中作为配角出场,但是,它们的风头绝对盖过那四个言谈举止行为动作故作牵强滑稽状的狮子斑马河马和长颈鹿!你可以在这部影片的“附属产品”——《The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper》(中文译名:马达加斯加企鹅帮圣诞恶搞记)中欣赏到它们的精彩演出。
简介: 青春活力的探玩行动派们将前往各大旅行城市,以全新升级的剧情式玩法解锁旅行城市新面貌!在新鲜趣味的比拼挑战中,争当“满级状态玩家”,打开年轻人的探玩旅行新方式!
主演:佐伊·索尔达娜,妮可·基德曼,摩根·弗里曼,蕾斯拉·德·奥利维拉,马修·詹姆斯·居尔布兰松,戴夫·安纳布尔,拉莫尼卡·加勒特,Daniel Abeles,詹姆斯·乔丹,Stephanie Nur,马丁·唐文,玛丽索尔·科雷亚,扎克·艾普曼,奥斯汀·赫伯特,乔纳·沃顿,马特·杰拉德,劳伦·肖,Kevin O'Sullivan,Stevie Ray Dallimore,Wayne Johnson,Scot Teller,Essam Ferris,Adam Budron,Sam Asghari,Dan
导演:安东尼·拜恩,Paul Cameron
简介: 本剧基于一个真实的CIA项目,在该项目中,女性被训练来渗透恐怖组织和犯罪网络。故事讲述Cruz Manuelos,一名经验不足但充满热情的海军陆战队士兵,她被CIA招募加入了「母狮」战斗小队,试图从内部瓦解一个恐怖组织。 Joe是一位意志坚强、不屈不挠的女性,CIA「母狮」项目的站长。她负责训练、管理和领导手下的女性特工。
简介: 90年代初,前苏联解体后经济濒临崩溃,商品供应极度匮乏。大批中国商贩乘坐K3次北京至莫斯科的国际列车往来中俄两国,把中国的服装、食品、化妆品等消费品贩运到俄罗斯,获取高额利润。在这列承载着巨额现金和货品的列车上,犯罪分子的罪恶欲望也在疯狂滋长。以苗青山(黄轩 饰)为首的悍匪集团训练有素分工明确,对K3次国际列车进行了丧心病狂的连环洗劫,案件一时轰动世界! 案发后,中国警察崔振海(张涵予 饰)带领公安小队伪装成商人,深入陌生的俄罗斯展开跨国抓捕行动。过程中,化名为瓦西里的神秘人(刘德华 饰)和一名叫真真的女子(文咏珊 饰)引起了警方的注意,一个更大的惊天阴谋逐渐揭开…… 本片根据中国第一桩跨境追捕真实案件改编。
简介: 该片讲述了普光市一群⽆恶不作的涉黑团伙参与多起案件,贩毒⾛私、伤⼈抢地,团伙成员⽆处不在,把整个城市搞得乌烟瘴气。普光市警⽅多年来⼀直在搜集该犯罪团队的证据,保护⼈⺠安全。团伙⼈数众多,利⽤⽹络作案,⽽且团伙首领身分神秘,属于⾼智商型涉黑团伙,每次作案被捕,其团伙成员总会把罪名包榄在个人身上,或是证⼈上庭时推翻⼝供或⼈间蒸发,永远不会扯上团伙内部⻣⼲成员,所以每次的打击都不能将其⼀举灭绝。某天,⼀个勇敢的⼥孩改变了这⼀切,受害女孩泳琳⾛进公安局扫⿊⼤队对犯罪团伙进行举报。接到举报后,普光市扫⿊⼤队⻓唐⻜带领警员进⾏深⼊的调查、搜证、举证及拘捕⾏动,利⽤泳琳离开后的⻩⾦72⼩时对涉黑团伙展开⼀次性的肃清⾏动,找出操控团伙核⼼成员,让普光市重回光明之都的故事。
简介: 对越自卫反击战期间,我“闪电”小分队在队长刘凯华(杜振清 饰)带领下,潜入敌后,准备消灭敌人的“神秘炮群”。越军特工队长曾在我国受训,得知我分队行动计划后,立即作出相应布署。小分队巧妙摆脱越军追击,并救出被越军追杀的傣族妇女月梅(张玲 饰)。当闯敌桥头要塞时,敌我展开生死角逐。深夜,月梅惊飞林中宿鸟,小分队落入敌早已布置好的陷阱,后经拚死博杀突出重围。此时月梅暴露敌特身份,企图逼我就范。刘凯华设计降服了她,在其挣脱窜出山洞时,被越军误杀。我分队队员姜元(孙海英 饰)、李久鸣(陈晓雷 饰)也先后牺牲,在总攻开始瞬间,“神秘炮群”暴露在我射程之内......
简介: 一个是爱一拳头说话的粗俗警官卢克,一个是害羞的办公室文职员提奥,截然不同的两名警察必须经历场场喧闹,共同寻找遭绑架的外交官女儿下落。影片在情节、幽默和动作场面的处理上以美国同类影片为榜样,其自我嘲讽和政治非正确的玩笑获得好评。施威格和施维赫夫不仅是德国成功的明星演员,且他们的热门作品大多尤其亲自指导。这部拍摄于柏林的新片导演则是曾与两人联合执导过《红酒烩鸡》和《分手专家》的托尔斯滕•孔斯特勒。 (小易甫字幕组)
简介: 中东国家伊维亚共和国发生政变,武装冲突不断升级。刚刚在索马里执行完解救人质任务的海军护卫舰临沂号,受命前往伊维亚执行撤侨任务。舰长高云(张涵予 饰)派出杨锐(张译 饰)率领的蛟龙突击队登陆战区,护送华侨安全撤离。谁知恐怖组织扎卡却将撤侨部队逼入交火区,一场激烈的战斗在所难免。与此同时,法籍华人记者夏楠(海清 饰)正在伊维亚追查威廉·柏森博士贩卖核原料的事实,而扎卡则突袭柏森博士所在的公司,意图抢走核原料。混战中,一名隶属柏森博士公司的中国员工成为人质。为了解救该人质,八名蛟龙队员必须潜入有150名恐怖分子的聚集点,他们用自己的信念和鲜血铸成中国军人顽强不屈的丰碑! 本片根据也门撤侨事件改编。
简介: 一个是美国外交安全局的忠诚特工、身材魁梧的执法者霍布斯(强森饰),一个是前英国军事特工精英、无法无天的恶棍肖(斯坦森饰)。在2015年的《速度与激情7》中首次对峙之后,两人不论言语还是肢体都冲突不断,一直试图打倒对方。 然而,通过高科技进行了基因增强的无政府主义者布里克斯顿(伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴饰)控制了一种可能永远改变人类命运的不为人知的生化武器,并且还打败了一位大胆优秀又特立独行的军情六处特工(曾出演《王冠》的凡妮莎·科比饰)——她恰好是肖的妹妹,为了扳倒这个世界上唯一可能比他们更厉害的敌人,这两个不共戴天的宿敌不得不联手。 《速度与激情:特别行动》一片在《速度与激情》系列的宇宙中推开了一扇全新的大门。从洛杉矶到伦敦,从切尔诺贝利的有毒废墟到美丽的南太平洋岛国萨摩亚,本次特别行动席卷全球。 该片由大卫·雷奇执导(《死侍2》导演),由《速度与激情》系列故事的缔造者克里斯·摩根编剧,摩根、强森、斯坦森和海拉姆·加西亚共同担纲制片。丹尼·加西亚、凯利·麦考密克、 、史蒂文·查斯曼、伊森·史密斯和安斯利·戴维斯担任监制。
主演:周浩东 / 奥舜文 / 闫旭升
简介:一天,边防部队追踪国内最大毒枭组织的一批价值千万的毒品,被刘老三团伙抢走,瞬间引起黑白两道的高度重视。警方找到了正在监狱服刑的刘老三发小也是拜把子兄弟大飞,说服他出来帮他们找到毒品,犹豫不决的大飞最终决定帮助警察找回毒品。在黑帮老徐的安排下,他们准备把抢来的货还给旭东商会,大家相安无事,但是刘老三根本没打算还回去,交易的时候没把货还回去,还抢了旭东商会的货,警察在交易过程中抓到了旭东商会的一批手下,毒枭组织老大黄旭东知道事情后,气急败坏找了国际雇佣军准备大动手脚,与此同时老徐绑架了大飞的母亲。而原本准备出逃的刘老三团伙知道情况后, 准备后也做出了最后的选择。