简介: 故事发生在遥远的2035年,由于人口数量急剧下降,教学机构变得形同虚设,越来越多的人在学习和工作之间选择了后者。就是这样一个萧条的时代,一个名叫天宫学美(堀江由衣 配音)的可爱少女出现在了私立圣樱学园的校园中。这位与大环境格格不入,格外热衷于校园生活的少女,她能够一改校园中萎靡的风气吗? 在学校里,学美结识了一群有趣的朋友们——天真懵懂的稻森光香(野中蓝 配音),活泼好动的上原睦月(井上麻里奈 配音),个性酷酷的卫藤芽生(平野绫 配音),天然呆大小姐小鸟桃叶(藤田咲 配音),在学美的影响下,原本消极的她们逐渐学会了珍惜只存在于校园中的,美好而又只能的友情。
简介: 该片以大地震后荒废的首尔为背景,讲述聚集在此地唯一剩下的“皇宫公寓”里的生存者们的故事。
主演:莎丽法·阿玛尼,阿兹曼·哈桑,Elvina Mohamad
简介: After Hassan discovers Zidik living alone on the streets, he takes him in and cares for him like a son. Zidik now works together with Hassan in the junkyard but both men are stuck in the past. 15 years ago, they lost their loved ones to a virus that turned people violent. Hassan often "forgets" that the virus killed his wife, while Zidik still remembers his sister attacking his mother and his father sacrificing himself to save Zidik. He also often thinks of Zooey, the girl he met at the orphanage he briefly stayed at before being kicked out by the evil Kak Lily. Meanwhile, Dr. Rahman, a disgraced scientist who previously managed to contain the virus, manufactures a new strain of zombie virus to create chaos. Amid this new zombie outbreak, Zidik encounters a zombified Zooey who tries to attack him but she slowly begins to remember who he is. Zidik then gets taken prisoner by Dr. Rahman when the doctor discovers that he is immune to the virus.
主演:Julian Maroun,Bettina Kenney,Margot Nuccetelli,Elisa Boyd,James Dyke,Vivien Battley,Dave Willetts,Alex Beauman,Marney McQueen,Cam Ralph,罗夫·麦克慕斯,Grant Lyndon,帕拉维·沙尔达,Madeleine Levins,Aaron Tsindos,彼得·麦卡拉姆,Hubert Burczek,哥德昂·布克哈德,Jill Böttcher,Greta Galisch
导演:Matthias Temmermans,Adam Gunn
简介: 米娅发现她的魔法石是一个古老预言的一部分,于是踏上了一段激动人心的旅程,前往最遥远的半乌托邦群岛,面对一个巨大的邪恶,并塑造自己的命运。
主演:Julian Maroun,Bettina Kenney,Margot Nuccetelli,Elisa Boyd,James Dyke,Vivien Battley,Dave Willetts,Alex Beauman,Marney McQueen,Cam Ralph,罗夫·麦克慕斯,Grant Lyndon,帕拉维·沙尔达,Madeleine Levins,Aaron Tsindos,彼得·麦卡拉姆,Hubert Burczek,哥德昂·布克哈德,Jill Böttcher,Greta Galisch
导演:Matthias Temmermans,Adam Gunn
简介: 米娅发现她的魔法石是一个古老预言的一部分,于是踏上了一段激动人心的旅程,前往最遥远的半乌托邦群岛,面对一个巨大的邪恶,并塑造自己的命运。
简介: 斯派克·李将为百老汇舞台剧《大卫·伯恩的美国乌托邦》执导电影版。该剧目已在去年10月开演,持续到今年2月16日。电影版计划于今年上映。