简介: 《跟着书本去旅行》是一档体验式文化教育节目。节目以中小学课本或经典名著为线索,在读万卷书的同时行万里路,走近文化古迹、实地实景讲故事、身临其境受教育,触摸历史、感知文化,让陈列在广阔大地上的遗产活起来。
简介: 《跟着书本去旅行》是一档体验式文化教育节目。节目以中小学课本或经典名著为线索,在读万卷书的同时行万里路,走近文化古迹、实地实景讲故事、身临其境受教育,触摸历史、感知文化,让陈列在广阔大地上的遗产活起来。
主演:佐佐木英明,齐藤正志,平泉成,美轮明宏,新高惠子,J.A. Seazer
简介: 少年北村英明(佐々木英明 饰)生活在一个充满绝望、腐烂气息的家庭中。48岁的父亲(斎藤正治 饰)曾是陆军的上等兵,退伍后整天呆在家里无所事事,沉湎于自渎的堕落快感中;祖母(田中筆子 饰)老年痴呆,不问家务,还有偷窃的毛病;妹妹(小林由起子 饰)与周围的人完全没有交流,却和心爱的兔子发展出异乎寻常的亲密关系。校足球队的教练近江(平泉征 饰)对英明青眼有加,通过近江的引领,英明在花街柳巷献出了自己的第一次。妹妹和兔子的关系引起家人的焦虑,隔壁的金先生(下馬二五七 饰)偷偷杀掉兔子。绝望的妹妹勾引校足球的队员,结果反被球员们轮暴。 黯淡的青春破碎滴血,没有希望。
主演:Karen Mason,Barry Mason,瑞秋·梅森,Josh Mason,Micah Mason,Alexei Romanoff,Billy Miller,Don Norman,Freddie Bercovitz,Paulo Morillo,Ellen Winer,拉里·弗林特,David Gregory,Fernando Aguilar,Alaska Thunderfuck
简介: In 1976, Karen and Barry Mason had fallen on hard times and were looking for a way to support their young family when they answered an ad in the Los Angeles Times. Larry Flynt was seeking distributors for Hustler Magazine. What was expected to be a brief sideline led to their becoming fully immersed in the LGBT community as they took over a local store, Circus of Books. A decade later, they had become the biggest distributors of gay porn in the US. The film focuses on the double life they led, trying to maintain the balance of being parents at a time when LGBT culture was not yet accepted. Their many challenges included facing jail time for a federal obscenity prosecution and enabling their store to be a place of refuge at the height of the AIDS crisis. Circus of Books offers a rare glimpse into an untold chapter of queer history, and it is told through the lense of the owners' own daughter, Rachel Mason, an artist, filmmaker and musician.