简介: 改编自梶山季之同名小说中《卡彭大声哭》和《罗斯福大声笑》两篇短篇小说。阿尔卡彭是美国禁酒法时期成长起来的芝加哥黑手党头目。当时在美国芝加哥,旧金山等地有许多中国和日本的劳工,久而久之形成了各自的帮派,掌管一定势力范围。日本的戏班成员顺之助因为想成为浪花曲演员,拜入桃中轩云右卫门的师门下,经人牵线认识了艺伎小染。小染因背叛丈夫出轨被在后背纹上了可怕的章鱼纹身。小染答应把他介绍给桃中轩门下的牛右卫门,条件是顺之助做她的情人。之后顺之助在牛右卫门的建议下远渡美国,小染为躲避即将出狱的凶恶丈夫,作为曲师与顺之助一起来到了美国。到了美国两人才发现被中间人所骗,小染因赌博沦为妓女,顺之助沦为乞丐。在美国的各种势力中有一个传奇人物枪铁,出身于马戏团,在吉田老大被枪杀之后掌管了日本人帮派,手下经营多家赌场,妓院,饭馆和酒吧。枪铁成为头目后让小染掌管妓院,带顺之助进入高级夜总会,让他见识了美国的歌舞表演并结识了莉莉安,但顺之助仍一意孤行想要发展自己的浪花曲,希望有一天让总统听到自己的浪花曲。那时候的旧金山是掺杂着暴力的欲望之都,阿尔卡彭派弟弟弗兰克卡彭过来想要独霸密造酒的资源,而枪铁出售的“正宗Cisio”威士忌酒成了卡彭兄弟的眼中钉。枪铁,顺之助,小染三人开始了与卡彭势力的对抗。小染最后因车祸身亡,枪铁吃河豚中毒死亡,顺之助拜托莉莉安帮他剖腹自尽,结束了生命。
简介: Walerian Borowczyk唯一的一部动画长片,原长80分钟,之后出了个几分钟的concert精简版。 This is perhaps one of the funnies, yet most bizarre movies I have ever seen. I am in awe. Heavily surreal. Every scene has so much creative power and craziness you just can't avoid being fascinated by it. There's a story too of course, but I'm not sure I'd dare to try and explain it.. It was all so confusing. Well, there's Mrs. Kabal.. a funny old lady which seems to think she's something important(like the old lady in Sunset Blv. or something..) And there's butterflies, and Mr. Kabal, and a huge house.. and these strangelooking creatures.. and so much details. Its so funny. At one point Mr. Kabal tries to puncture a hole in Mrs. Kabals huge chest, and instead of it shrinking.. the whole woman grows into a giant! And then Mr. Kabal finds the hole in her stomach and comes into this huge building inside her with stairs, windows and stuff.. And then Mrs. Kabal was shouting at him to do tasks in there. It was all pretty weird to follow. But there was a story going on. See this if you get the chance!