简介: 故事发生在上世纪三十年代的老上海。辖区发生一起綁架案,探长钟朗(钟汉良 饰)从智障小孩阿定的只言片语中断定,作案人是两年前出现过的掘墓人,由于当时探员宁二昆(赵毅 饰)的疏忽,曾造成廖家两兄弟双双死亡的惨剧。为获取更多线索,钟朗央宁二昆找廖老爷给儿子开棺验尸,果然从中掌握了新的证据,正在这时,法医于胜男(齐芳 饰)和探员韩非(释小龙 饰)遭掘墓人绑架。通过梳理分析,屠宰场老板的养子朱国梁(许贺 饰)进入了钟朗的视线,朱因家父向廖家举债未果自杀,性格偏执的朱国梁干起了报复有钱人的勾当。钟宁二人连手营救于胜男和韩非,结果宁二昆和朱国梁在枪战中双双陨命。从此,掘墓人销声匿迹,不料,在新娘刘秀珠(刘子菲 饰)的婚礼上,怪事又出现了......
导演:Guillermo de Oliveira
简介: In 1966 the Spanish Army built a huge cemetery with over 5000 graves at Mirandilla Valley in Burgos for the final sequence in the film "The Good the Bad and the Ugly". After the shooting, the whole place was left behind and for 49 years, nature covered every tomb. In October 2015 a group of film fans decided to start digging - and under 3 inches of ground they found the original paved circle. For months, people from all around Europe traveled to Sad Hill to unearth and rebuild the place. Sad Hill Unearthed is the amazing story behind one of the most important locations in film history. It explores the dreams and motivations behind the fans but also the transformation of art, music and film in a substitute for religion.