主演:Tsering Palmo,Stanzin Dorjai Gya
导演:Stanzin Dorjai Gya,Christiane Mordelet
简介: In the Himalayan High Plateaus, far from any human life, we will accompany Tsering, a shepherdess, throughout one year, thanks to her brother's knowing camera. We will discover the moving and exceptional picture of a woman who has devoted her life to her cattle. In the Far Northern Mountains of India, in Ladakh, Tsering leads her flock of 300 sheep and Pashmina goats to graze on the 5500 m high Himalayan Plateaus. Surrounded by this dry and desolate landscape, she lives with her cattle under the continuous threat of wolves and snow leopards. Her brother followed her during one year and filmed her exhausting work: both exceptional and moving pictures in which we discover the maternal tie between her and her sheep. A life diametrically opposed to the Western luxury industry which will use the Kashmir wool she produces.
主演:Shahnawaz Bhat,Sadakkit Bijran,Ranjit Khajuria,Navjot Randhawa,Mohammed Yassen
简介: 克什米尔地区,牧羊女莱拉的美貌远近闻名,她游走于新婚丈夫和小有权势的警察之间,利用美色与计谋争取自由。本片根据印度传统民谣改编,分为包括“婚姻之歌”在内的七个篇章。印度导演辛格将女性对权利的追求融于圣山和民间信仰的神性中,通过民歌小调和民俗风貌带来独特的异域风情。随着情节推进,坚毅的女主角坚持用智慧争取独立,其过程虽坎坷却精彩。本片入围2020年柏林电影节“遇见”竞赛单元,而辛格也凭借本片荣获2020年香港国际电影节新秀电影竞赛单元最佳导演。