简介: Canadian surgeon Dr. Norman Bethune (Donald Sutherland) journeys 1,500 miles into China to reach Mao Zedong's eighth route Army in the Wu Tai mountains where he will build hospitals, provide care, and train medics. Flashbacks narrate the earlier events of his life: a bout with tuberculosis at the Trudeau sanatorium; the self-administration of an experimental pneumothorax; the invention of operative instruments; his fascination with Socialism; a journey into medical Russia; and the founding of a mobile plasma-transfusion unit in war-torn Spain. Bethune twice married and twice divorced his wife Frances (Dame Helen Mirren), who chooses abortion over child-rearing in her unstable marriage. By 1939, Bethune had been dismissed from his Montreal Hospital for taking unconventional risks, and from his volunteer position in Spain for his chronic problems of drinking and womanizing. As his friend states: "China was all that was left." Even there, Bethune confidently ignores the advice of Chinese officials until heavy casualties make him realize his mistake and lead him to a spectacular apology.
主演:特洛文·海斯,唐国强,辛蒂·巴斯毕,Nick Baillie,Shaun Balbar,Lila Bata-Walsh
简介: 白求恩(特洛文·海斯 Trevor Hayes 饰)是一名救死扶伤的医生,和恋人弗朗西斯(辛蒂·巴斯毕 Cindy Busby 饰)结婚之后,两人来到了底特律,在那里,白求恩同非常赏识他的大夫格兰特合作,正式开始了他的行医生涯。随着病人和名气的增加,白求恩的收入渐渐的变多了,但与此同时,他内心里的困惑和郁闷却也越来越多,他已经丢失了自己作为一名医生的初心了。事业的停滞给白求恩的家庭带来了不可磨灭的伤害,最终他和弗朗西斯离婚了。 患上了肺结核的白求恩开始研究肺结核疗法,并且通过一种新型的治疗方案成功的将自己治愈。在此过程中,白求恩也想明白了一直以来困扰他的种种问题,他发觉,身为一名医生,仅仅是治病救人是远远不够的。
简介: 1938年初,国际主义战士诺尔曼•白求恩(谭宁邦 饰)远渡重洋来到中国,支援中国人民的抗日战争。毛主席在延安接见了他,军区卫生部安排他做医疗顾问,白求恩发现边区的医疗条件比他想象的还要差很多。他向司令员(吴雪 饰)请示办一个后方示范医院,调各分区医生来参加培训,他还不顾个人安危,亲自到前线为重伤员做手术。由于缺少必要的医疗器械,好多重伤员得不到及时救治,白求恩心急如焚,他决定回加拿大一次。但突发而至的战斗阻挡了他回国的步伐,他对送他的方大夫(村里 饰)和童秘书(英若诚 饰)说:我不走了,这里更需要我。黄土岭战役后,在一次给战士做手术中,他不小心划破了手指,悲剧不可避免地发生了...... 本片根据周而复同名小说改编。