主演:杰克·霍尔特,菲伊·雷,多萝茜·伯吉斯,科拉·苏·科林斯,阿诺尔德·科尔夫,克拉伦斯·缪斯,Eleanor Wesselhoeft,Madame Sul-Te-Wan,Laurence Criner,Lumsden Hare,亨利·科尔克尔
简介: A young girl who lives on a tropical island loses her parents to a voodoo sacrifice, but although she manages to escape the island, a curse is put on her. Years later, as an adult, she feels a strong compulsion to return to the island to confront her past. Her husband, her daughter and her nanny go with her, but once back on the island, the woman finds herself elevated by the locals to the stature of a voodoo goddess, and she begins her inevitable descent into madness, with disastrous results for her family.
简介: 在某舞蹈学校内生活着一对好姐妹,家境优渥且专业过硬的艾美(王兮 饰)以及灵巧美丽、快人快语的喵喵(宋紫菲 饰),她们和舞美师刘小海(贾之海 饰)与歌手辛磊(李鹤 饰)是无话不说的好朋友。男男女女之间,总是有各种各样的感情纠葛,艾美一心想跳好舞蹈,然而身不由己地在海哥和辛磊之间摇摆,海哥十分喜欢喵喵,喵喵则对辛磊颇有好感。为了不影响四人的友谊,喵喵宣布成立寂寞帮,作为成员的四个人发誓永不背叛彼此。可就在一次海边聚会上,别扭的气氛中辛磊不知为何突然死去。与此同时,艾美的芭蕾舞事业受父亲的压力而走入低谷,身边的人也遭遇了各种各样诡异事件。 为了改变当下的一切,暧昧不惜铤而走险求助于神秘莫测的力量……